Answers to questions people might reasonably ask on a visit to my site:
Excellent question. Yes, why? Art, music and ramblings to take on my nemesis Dyslexior…
Dys-lex-i-or noun: the personification of dyslexia manifest.
A friend of mine, brilliantly, coined the name Dyslexior while we were at school together. “No it’s not you” she said, encouragingly, as I raged, typo after typo while writing up some miserable homework assignment. “It’s that mischievous fiend: I call him Dylsexior, he’s struck again! Damn you Dyslexior!”. At least, that’s how I imagine it went down - it has been a while and neither of us remember exactly.
Since then the concept has been percolating subconciously. This Dyslexior character, what’s he all about? Tyrannical or misunderstood? At times he takes to looming menacingly. Undeniably he is aggravating.
Sometimes though, I imagine he is my shadow. And even, In quieter moments, we are okay, best friends even, after all he is so much a part of who I am. It is just that, every so often, the relationship disintegrates and erupts into an all out boss fight.
The advice that I am following and for the prospective writer is to write about what grabs you. This, doubly so for the dyslexic. While you can see there is a loose theme, I imagine that the scope of my writing will wonder freely, idly stopping only for brief moments, to take a closer look at some glint of fancy before swinging a foot off brazenly in the opposite direction. Dyslexior at such moments may appear to have become some distant memory. Bear in mind - dyslexia is life long. The struggle is right here and now. In such seemingly quiet moments if you are affected similarly, take encouragement in every act of both reading and writing. Or defiantly expressing yourself through non literary mediums!