Archive of primary phase!

And also ideas for secondary phase

All those years ago when I started this site I wrote this on the front page:

“Other than a blog, with music and art, I can’t tell you exactly what I am doing with this site. That, I am discovering as I go along. Maybe after the next post I’ll have it. For now I just want to work with it. As such, I am calling this the primary phase. There are some posts below that you can help yourself too and an about page which gives the gist of its origins and, as well, my first attempt at pinning down the whats and the whys etc.”

This is what it used to look like:

a picture of the original site look

I am starting secondary phase now… simply put it’ll be more of a blog. Why are the obvious things the hardest?

List of things I would like to do:

  1. It would be nice if the picture on the front automatically updated from the latest post.
  2. And as well be able to wonder around the site with the music playing as an option.
  3. A game, bien sur! Just a side thought here for my future self - I wonder if copilot has gotten better at gd script? That could help with all this.
  4. Also more illustrations like that one in the snap shot above… its fun to have them looking like they are interacting/looking at the site.
  5. Generally make it more fun for you the wondering reader - and also a link to my YouTube page should you feel like it.
  6. Maybe some mention of being a teacher?
  7. Also a new audio player this is what the old one looks like:
stop [/]
play |>
pause ||
:: a/b ::

Give me a couple of months and let me at it… see ya later.

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