Summer '22

a picture inspired by Ramo Y Cajal's drawings of neurons

Neurons like the ‘butterflies of the soul’. I have been looking through drawings by Ramo Y Cajal. Inspired, I then drew what you can see above. Scanned it in into the computer and put it through Inkscape.

This is my first post since I had covid. Coming out of that, I got stuck into writing the program/game/app I had imagined for helping me learn languages. Not entirely unrelated to my interest in Ramo Y Cajal’s drawings. Imagine neurons reaching out like leaves at the end of branches in the breeze. Essentially I am making another flashcard app. My hope is to encourage connections between words and their meanings beyond translation. So: synonyms, contraries, roots, example sentences etc. can all be added to each ‘flash card’ and, as well, drawings and audio recordings. Unlike the majority of what is available already the app is entirely down to the user entering all of the information. (I wouldn’t know how to program something more sophisticated anyway!) I am hoping that this will give the user a sense of owner ship over what is going on in their learning and maybe even something to look back on and continually add to and refine. This is unlike my experience so far of other flash card apps where the users role feels way more passive.

Imagine each word as a node connected to all the others… like a neuron!? Hmm maybe.

That is were I am up too, and over the summer, I am going to be testing it out and fixing bugs before I push it to github etc.

I am rambling musing on what comes next - in the mean time have some more music… synths on side A pianos on B.

stop [/]
play |>
pause ||
:: a/b ::

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