
Contour drawing of my rignt hand drawing my left. Just a note here to say I altered this post on the 20th March removing one of the pictures and adding some different text.

Drawing of my right hand as it draws my left hand contour

Also, a quick portrait sketched in the hotel room in sidmouth I was staying in. We were there to scatter my Grandma’s and Grandad’s ashes on the beach. I had a view of the channel from my room and spent a fair amount of time daydreaming while watching the waves on the other side of the glass.

Pen drawing of myself from a mirror in my hotel room in devon

Fond the op1 recording below from lockdown 2020 today while I was putting this post together and was surprised to hear my voice in there. Takes a little while for side A to get started…

stop [/]
play |>
pause ||
:: a/b ::

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